Our TRANSPORTED AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM runs Monday through Friday from school release time until 6:00 P.M. We even pick up on early release days!

​​​We currently pick up at the following schools-


Our staff is background checked, CPR/First Aid Certified and LOVES working with kids!

​​We have an electronic check-in/out system that texts you when your child arrives at our facility. You can rest assured that your child is where they should be!

​Daily Structured Schedule:

Martial Arts Class:​ All kids will participate in an exciting karate class filled with cardio, strength and conditioning, and martial arts skills!

Activity Time:​ This is game time! We run organized group games that enhance their martial arts skills to keep the kids active and give them that much needed "fun" time with their friends!

Arts & Crafts and Field Trips:​ We will be doing occasional arts & crafts to bring out their creative side (early release days) or field trips (extra early release days) to change things up a bit and get that energy out!

Focus Time:​ The kids are given time to work on homework, reading and playing quiet card/board games with their friends. We aim to have them calmed down, with their homework done by the time you pick them up so you can have a nice, relaxing evening at home with your family! 

Snack Time: Don't forget snack time too! 

Call 480-833-5537 to register!